Nobody vulnerable, IMPs, you are declarer in 6NT.
♠ 652
♥ AQ102
♦ A3
♣ J863
♠ AK8
♥ K3
♦ K97
♣ AK1097
With opponents passing the bidding was 2NT by you, 3♣, 3♦, 4NT, 6NT. Clubs as a source of tricks was the deciding factor.
Clearly 6♣ is a better spot but getting there is another matter. Could you and your partner do that?
The ♠10 is led. You win in hand and cash ♣A and K. West plays the 2 and 4, and East the 5 and then discards the ♦4. You play a third round of clubs and East discards the ♥4. West exits with the ♥9. You try the 10 and East puts up the J.
What now?
Another notrump slam
Re: Another notrump slam
It rather looks like East started with five hearts; she would not have discarded so soon from the Jack with fewer. If West had five spades then you have a double squeeze.
Cash the top hearts leaving one in dummy and discarding your low spade from hand.Then cash ♠K and the clubs. On leading the last club the deal looks something like this:
West must discard a diamond and then you can throw dummy's spade. East is then squeezed in the red suits.
Cash the top hearts leaving one in dummy and discarding your low spade from hand.Then cash ♠K and the clubs. On leading the last club the deal looks something like this:
♠ 6
♥ 2
♦ A3
♣ --
♥ 2
♦ A3
♣ --
♠ Q
♥ --
♦ 1062
♣ --
♥ --
♦ 1062
♣ --
♠ --
♥ 8
♦ QJ5
♣ --
♥ 8
♦ QJ5
♣ --
♠ --
♥ --
♦ K97
♣ 7
♥ --
♦ K97
♣ 7
West must discard a diamond and then you can throw dummy's spade. East is then squeezed in the red suits.