Rod Screws Up

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Rod Screws Up

Post by rod »

From yesterday's club game. Matchpoints, board 3, South deals, EW vulnerable.

♠ 9
♣ J9654

♠ J105
♣ 8
♠ AK876432
♣ A7

♠ Q
♣ KQ1032

I was looking at the North hand after two passes. There are two schools of thought about opening with 4-5 minors; one says open diamonds to prepare a rebid, the other says open your longest suit, clubs, and see how it goes.

I absent-mindedly opened 1♣. This was a poor choice because I forgot about a third school of thought: open the suit you want led. It matters a lot here because I'm in third seat and the opponents are likely to have the majors and the balance of power. My stupid opening cost us dearly.

East overcalled 4♠ which ended the auction.

Partner had no reason to lead anything other than the ♣K. When her ♠Q also dropped I was marked with the remaining high cards, and declarer had no trouble ruffing out the hearts and claiming all the tricks.
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Re: Rod Screws Up

Post by Trumps »

I agree with the suggestion of a lead-directing 1D opening in third seat. Having said that, South might still consider leading the strong club sequence...

Well played for declarer in a club game to take the ruffing finesse and set up the long suit in hearts.
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