The Problem
At a recent Swiss pairs event my partner picked up this hand:
♠ AQ97
♥ Q98
♦ A6
♣ AK92
Partner opened 1♣, next hand overcalled 1♦ and I doubled to show a heart suit (playing transfers). Next hand passed.
At this point partner would have done better to bid 2NT but understandably chose to accept the transfer with 1♥. Thus I ended up as declarer in 3NT. This had no play after the expected diamond lead (I had Jxx).
Two things led to the demise of this contract: allowing a cheap lead-directing overcall, and wrong-siding the declarer.
A Solution
It would have been better if partner could have opened 2NT or some equivalent. So I worked out an alternative set of opening bids for strong balanced hands, as follows:
18-19 HCP: Open 2♣
20-21 HCP: Open 2NT
22-23 HCP: Open 2♦ (Multi) and rebid in notrump
24+ HCP: Open 2♣ and either jump to 3NT or improvise with suit bids
This adds a strong option to our Multi 2♦ opening, which is shown by rebidding notrump at our next opportunity. That could cause the weak hand to end up declaring a heart or spade contract, but hands this strong come up very rarely.
More Benefits
Freeing up the 2NT rebid after partner's 1-level response also offers a solution to some problems such as the so-called "Bridge World Death Hand", typically something like this:
♠ KQx
♥ KJx
♦ AKJxxx
♣ x
where you open 1♦ and partner responds 1♥ or 1♠. You don't have enough to unilaterally force to game, but game is almost certain if partner's suit is 5+ cards. A 2NT rebid shows either this situation or a game-forcing hand with no side suit to jump shift into. Partner can then bid as follows in the case of a 1♥ response:
3♣ Temporizing, either 5 hearts or better than a minimum 3♦ Bad hand, denies 5 hearts, may be passed 3♥ 6+ hearts 3♠ Spade feature, better than a minimum, denies 5 hearts 3NT To playHere's the equivalent after a 1♣ opening:
♠ KQx
♥ KJx
♦ x
♣ AKJxxx
You open 1♣ and partner responds showing hearts or spades. You now bid 2NT and partner (if spades were shown) has these choices:
3♣ Bad hand, denies 5 spades, may be passed 3♦ Temporizing, either 5 spades or better than a minimum 3♥ Heart feature, better than a minimum, denies 5 spades 3♠ 6+ spades 3NT To playOr after a 1♥ opening:
♠ KQx
♥ AKJxxx
♦ KJx
♣ x
You open 1♥ and partner responds 1♠. You now bid 2NT and partner has these choices:
3♣ Temporizing, either 5 spades or better than a minimum 3♦ Diamond feature, better than a minimum, denies 5 spades 3♥ Signoff, weak with 4 spades 3♠ 6+ spades 3NT To playThis 2NT bid works because you would open 2♣ with a 5-card major in a balanced 18-19 HCP.
Similarly, an auction like 1x - 1NT - 2NT is a game force with a 1-suited hand. Bidding can proceed naturally.
This also means that jump shifts by opener will show a real second suit and need not be "invented".
Changes to 2♣ Auctions
This also calls for some special treatment for 2♣ openings so that transfers can be used to stop in two of a major or three of a minor. It works like this:
2♣ 2♦ 5+ hearts, partner bids 2♥ only with 18-19 balanced 2♥ 5+ spades, partner bids 2♠ only with 18-19 balanced 2♠ No long suit, partner bids 2NT only with 18-19 balanced 2NT 6+ clubs, partner bids 3♣ only with 18-19 balanced 3♣ 6+ diamonds, partner bids 3♦ only with 18-19 balanced 2♣ 2♦/♥ 2♥/♠ (accepting the transfer) 18-19 balanced, may be passed 2NT Game force, asks for clarification (3♣ is 0-5 HCP, otherwise natural) 3♥/♠ (super-accept) 18-19 balanced, 4-card support, not 4-3-3-3 4♥/♠ (game raise of partner's suit) Enough for game opposite nothing, but not more 3♠/4♣/♦/♥ (jump shift) Game forcing raise of partner's suit, slam interest, shows a feature Other Game force, natural (includes 2♣ - 2♦ - 2♠)Note that opener must accept the transfer with 18-19, even with only 2 cards in the suit.
2♣ 2♦ 2♥ 2NT Invitational, 5-card suit 3♥ Invitational, 6-card suit 3NT Opener to choose between 3NT and 4♥ Other Game force, naturalSimilarly to the above for the transfer to spades.
The sequence 2♣ - 2♠ - 2NT is special. Responder has already denied a 5-card major or 6-card minor so transfers are not needed, but all the reasons for Puppet Stayman are still there. The following are simple and effective:
2♣ 2♠ 2NT 3♣ Puppet Stayman 3♦ Slam interest with 4+ diamonds and possibly also any other suit. 3♥ Slam interest with 4 hearts and possibly also spades or clubs. 3♠ Slam interest with 4 spades and possibly also clubs.If 2♣ is doubled or overcalled with a natural 2♦ or 2♥ then the same methods are used, with double as "stolen bid". With a stack in their suit you may pass and partner is then likely to reopen with a double. Pass is also an option with 0-5 HCP and no long suit. 2♠ is 6+ HCP with no long suit.
When the overcall is 2♠ I recommend Lebensohl, same as if the opening was 1NT. This means 2NT is a relay to 3♣ (to sign off in a suit or cue-bid 3♠ as Stayman, promising a stopper) and 3-level suit bids are natural and forcing. Double is negative. Pass is either a bad hand or hoping to pass partner's reopening double.
With higher overcalls transfers are off and natural bids must follow. Negative doubles apply to whatever level is agreed. A pass implies 0-5 HCP or a stack in the overcaller's suit, and it's possible for the overcall to become the final contract.