Australia Wide Pairs
Posted: 02 Sep 2022, 09:25
Results from the 2022 Australia Wide Pairs have been released and may be found on the Australian Bridge Magazine web site.
Colin Tolley and Barbara Herring distinguished the Coffs Harbour club by placing 9th nationwide.
Here's board 29. North deals, all vulnerable.
I sat North and opened 1♠. My partner Doug responded 3♠ (he likes 3-card limit raises). I tried a 4♣ cue-bid and Doug signed off with 4♠ which seemed high enough to me.
I won the ♣10 lead in dummy after deciding to ruff a third round of hearts for the overtrick. Even if there was an overruff it seemed likely that it would come from a defender with three trumps and so not cost a trick.
The ♠A dropped West's Jack. The heart Queen, Ace, ruff and then ♠9 passed around to East quickly resulted in 11 tricks for a 90% score.
Of the 199 declarers in 4♠, only 32 took 11 tricks. My guess is the majority tried to set up diamonds and then couldn't avoid two trump losers with the bad break.
Interestingly, two pairs bid and made 6NT! In that contract declarer will start diamonds with a deep finesse. On the second round of diamonds East should alertly insert the 10 (the card they are known to hold), otherwise declarer will see that a second finesse is hopeless and will be forced to drop West's remaining honour.
Colin Tolley and Barbara Herring distinguished the Coffs Harbour club by placing 9th nationwide.
Here's board 29. North deals, all vulnerable.
♠ AK1054
♥ AK42
♦ 75
♣ A9
♥ AK42
♦ 75
♣ A9
♠ J
♥ 1083
♦ KQ
♣ QJ87652
♥ 1083
♦ KQ
♣ QJ87652
♠ Q876
♥ J765
♦ 1032
♣ 104
♥ J765
♦ 1032
♣ 104
♠ 932
♥ Q9
♦ AJ9864
♣ K3
♥ Q9
♦ AJ9864
♣ K3
I sat North and opened 1♠. My partner Doug responded 3♠ (he likes 3-card limit raises). I tried a 4♣ cue-bid and Doug signed off with 4♠ which seemed high enough to me.
I won the ♣10 lead in dummy after deciding to ruff a third round of hearts for the overtrick. Even if there was an overruff it seemed likely that it would come from a defender with three trumps and so not cost a trick.
The ♠A dropped West's Jack. The heart Queen, Ace, ruff and then ♠9 passed around to East quickly resulted in 11 tricks for a 90% score.
Of the 199 declarers in 4♠, only 32 took 11 tricks. My guess is the majority tried to set up diamonds and then couldn't avoid two trump losers with the bad break.
Interestingly, two pairs bid and made 6NT! In that contract declarer will start diamonds with a deep finesse. On the second round of diamonds East should alertly insert the 10 (the card they are known to hold), otherwise declarer will see that a second finesse is hopeless and will be forced to drop West's remaining honour.