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Bidding Conundrum

Posted: 27 Aug 2022, 10:44
by rod
This is from a recent club game. Playing matchpoints, white vs. red, you pick up:

♠ AQJ63
♣ 9632

Partner opens 1♣, you respond 1♠, partner rebids 2♣.

Playing splinter bids you might try 4. This seems reasonable but gives up on the spade suit; remember it's matchpoints. Furthermore Blackwood does not work as well when clubs are trump.

I would try a 2 call here. It's a small lie but is forcing and will find out if partner has spade support. If that elicits 2♠ from partner then 4 is likely to find slam when it's right.

Your partner's hand (the one I held) was:

♠ K7
♣ AKQ754

How would you and your partner bid this? At our table my partner just bid 5♣ over 2♣, which worked out OK because the opposing spades split 5-1 and nobody found slam.