Which Trump Suit?
Posted: 13 Jun 2022, 08:26
This past weekend, June 11-12, was the Nambucca Valley Swiss Pairs. It had 30 pairs competing in 8 14-board matches. I played with Pauly and we were lucky enough to win. It was a lovely group of friendly, fun-loving people and of course we really enjoyed it.
I thought board 3 of match 7 was interesting.
South deals, E-W vulnerable. I sat East and opened 1♥ in fourth seat.
South overcalled 2♣ and Pauly doubled, negative, indicating four spades. North raised to 3♣.
At first glance it appears spades would be a fine trump suit. However it occurred to me that if my hand is forced to ruff a couple of times then play may become awkward. If hearts are trumps then they will always take tricks and any needed spade finesses can be taken.
So I called 3♥ and Pauly raised to four.
I won the diamond lead in dummy and immediately called for the ♠J. South won the King and played another diamond which I ruffed. Then Ace and King of hearts and the ♠10 which held. Then I could ruff back to hand, pull the last trump and claim 10 tricks. That was worth 9 IMPs.
I thought board 3 of match 7 was interesting.
South deals, E-W vulnerable. I sat East and opened 1♥ in fourth seat.
♠ Q63
♥ 96
♦ KJ1043
♣ K96
♥ 96
♦ KJ1043
♣ K96
♠ J1097
♥ K5
♦ AQ97
♣ 1082
♥ K5
♦ AQ97
♣ 1082
♠ A542
♥ AQJ1074
♦ 8
♣ 43
♥ AQJ1074
♦ 8
♣ 43
♠ K8
♥ 832
♦ 652
♣ AQJ75
♥ 832
♦ 652
♣ AQJ75
South overcalled 2♣ and Pauly doubled, negative, indicating four spades. North raised to 3♣.
At first glance it appears spades would be a fine trump suit. However it occurred to me that if my hand is forced to ruff a couple of times then play may become awkward. If hearts are trumps then they will always take tricks and any needed spade finesses can be taken.
So I called 3♥ and Pauly raised to four.
I won the diamond lead in dummy and immediately called for the ♠J. South won the King and played another diamond which I ruffed. Then Ace and King of hearts and the ♠10 which held. Then I could ruff back to hand, pull the last trump and claim 10 tricks. That was worth 9 IMPs.