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Maximum Overtricks

Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 16:01
by rod
Here's another matchpoint play problem from a recent club game.

♠ K75
♣ A874

♠ AQJ10864
♣ K652

You're declarer in a contract of some number of spades, it doesn't really matter how many. The 7 is led; Q, K, A. Do you see how to take all 13 tricks?

Draw trumps in two rounds ending in dummy, play A and K of hearts pitching clubs, then K and A of clubs and a club ruff to set up dummy's last club for a diamond discard. Dummy's third trump will be the entry.

Yes it's simple but a lot of players will miss this. I can't tell you how many because clubs split 4-1. :lol: