♠ J875
♥ K8
♦ J87
♣ J1043
♥ K8
♦ J87
♣ J1043
Partner opens 1♣, RHO overcalls 1♥, you double, LHO bids 3♥, all pass. You table the ♣J and dummy comes down with:
♠ Q942
♥ Q10532
♦ A92
♣ 6
♥ Q10532
♦ A92
♣ 6
Declarer wins the ♣A and tables the ♥4. Quickly now, what's your card?
It better be the 8! On the bidding partner can only have one heart, and for declarer to play this way it must be the Ace.
The only thing that makes this difficult is the need for defenders to play in tempo to avoid any appearance of impropriety. For this reason it's important to always be thinking about what might happen and what you will do.