Two deals taught the same expensive lesson. Here's the first one.
Match 5, Board 12, NS Vul, West deals
♠ Q10765
♥ --
♦ 8642
♣ QJ72
♥ --
♦ 8642
♣ QJ72
♠ A9
♥ K94
♦ AJ753
♣ K54
♥ K94
♦ AJ753
♣ K54
♠ KJ84
♥ A8653
♦ K10
♣ A10
♥ A8653
♦ K10
♣ A10
♠ 32
♥ QJ1072
♦ Q9
♣ 9863
♥ QJ1072
♦ Q9
♣ 9863
The bidding proceeded:
West North East South 1NT* Pass 2♦** Pass 2♥ Pass 3♠ Pass 4♥ Pass 4NT Pass 5♦*** Pass 6♥ Dbl Pass Pass 6NT All pass
* 15-17
** Transfer
*** Three key cards
It's safe to say that South would have beaten 6♥, but beating 6NT was not so easy. After declarer gave up a diamond and then played off all his red winners the ending was something like this:
♠ Q1076
♥ --
♦ --
♣ QJ
♥ --
♦ --
♣ QJ
♠ A9
♥ 9
♦ --
♣ K54
♥ 9
♦ --
♣ K54
♠ KJ84
♥ --
♦ --
♣ A10
♥ --
♦ --
♣ A10
♠ 3
♥ QJ
♦ --
♣ 986
♥ QJ
♦ --
♣ 986
North was forced to unguard clubs to keep 4 spades. Then declarer cashes 3 rounds of spades (with a finesse) to squeeze South in hearts and clubs.
That one went in our favor. But then there was the next one...