Came across this deal playing with my phone today.
♠ KQ6542
♥ Q8
♦ 8
♣ KQ104
♠ A
♥ AK107
♦ AKJ64
♣ A83
Declaring 7NT with no opposing bidding and the ♣5 led, you play small from dummy and the 8 wins. What's your plan to maximize your chances?
Play this 7NT
Re: Play this 7NT
If you play off your top black cards first and spades don't break, you'll have to pitch a third red card prematurely. I think best to start with the spade Ace and then Q-A-K of hearts in case the Jack drops.
If not then play off the top clubs and spades. If RHO has the ♥J then you will get a 3rd diamond trick any time it is possible to do so, including with a double squeeze if LHO has the 4th spade.
If not then play off the top clubs and spades. If RHO has the ♥J then you will get a 3rd diamond trick any time it is possible to do so, including with a double squeeze if LHO has the 4th spade.