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Taking a position

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 16:12
by rod
I like simple deals with a point to make about judgement. Here's one.

♠ Q82
♣ J73

♠ K73
♣ 9865

Opponents passing, partner opens 2 and the auction proceeds 2NT (feature ask), 3♠, 3NT.

LHO leads the ♠6 (standard leads), low from dummy, ♠J from RHO.

Your plan?

Re: Taking a position

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 16:33
by rod
Of course you win the first trick. Reasonable choices seem to be to either (a) overtake the K and hope to run the hearts, or (b) cash the K, play LHO for the ♠A and hope they do not cash four clubs.

Now, what could LHO have led from? 4th best? 654? 10654?

I'm thinking LHO has something like ♠A1096x. This is a normal type of holding for leading against notrump. RHO has denied holding the 10, so a top-of-nothing lead seems unlikely. I'm going with plan (b). The opponents will know they have to cash out, but doing that without touching diamonds will be a challenge. Even if they manage that, clubs might be 3-3 or block or have the 10 in a doubleton.

Opposing hands were:

♠ A10964
♣ Q102
♠ J5
♣ AK4