Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 07:48
Vulnerable vs. not, one pass to you, you hold:
♠ QJ109
♥ QJ8
♦ KQ965
♣ 7
Do you open?
In close situations I like to count losers, meaning missing Aces, Kings and Queens. You have two in spades, two in hearts, one in diamonds and one in clubs. In general six losers are a good opening, eight are not and seven are marginal.
1♦ it is then. With opponents passing partner responds 2♣, game forcing.
Does a reverse here show extra values? Opinions vary on this, and you are in dangerous territory if you and your partner do not have an agreement on it. I bid 2♦ and then it went 2♠, 3♠ and partner Blackwooded us into 6♠.
Now let's teleport you into partner's seat, holding this:
♠ AK75
♥ A52
♦ 4
♣ AQ843
The lead is a small heart; Q, K, A. What's your plan?
♠ QJ109
♥ QJ8
♦ KQ965
♣ 7
Do you open?
In close situations I like to count losers, meaning missing Aces, Kings and Queens. You have two in spades, two in hearts, one in diamonds and one in clubs. In general six losers are a good opening, eight are not and seven are marginal.
1♦ it is then. With opponents passing partner responds 2♣, game forcing.
Does a reverse here show extra values? Opinions vary on this, and you are in dangerous territory if you and your partner do not have an agreement on it. I bid 2♦ and then it went 2♠, 3♠ and partner Blackwooded us into 6♠.
Now let's teleport you into partner's seat, holding this:
♠ AK75
♥ A52
♦ 4
♣ AQ843
The lead is a small heart; Q, K, A. What's your plan?