An Ordinary Hand

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An Ordinary Hand

Post by rod »

Here's an everyday kind of deal with multiple points of interest. Vulnerable against not, opponents passing.

♠ K4
♣ KQ6

♠ AJ1072
♣ 9


3NT is OK but usually you want to be in 4 of a major when there is an 8-card fit. This is why New Minor Forcing and Checkback Stayman were invented, and I prefer to play one of those.

Whether playing one of those conventions or not, what does 3 mean? My understanding is that it's simply game forcing with 5+ spades and 4+ hearts, and that partner should have bid 4 instead of passing 3NT. Seems there should be a way to end in 3NT with opener having 2-2 majors, but I'm not aware of any authoritative word on that. How would you and your partner bid this?

The opening lead is a small club, RHO takes the Ace and returns a club. How do you proceed?

If you start by attacking your best suit, hearts, and the Queen is offside then another club will come back and the contract is at risk. Your odds of making are better by attacking Spades first, as you'll have 4 tricks there unless they split 5-1.

But what if you're playing matchpoints? In that case overtricks are everything, and the players in hearts are probably making 10 or 11 tricks. You'll need those extra tricks as well, and starting with spades will use up entries prematurely. Better, I think, to attack hearts first and see what happens.

On the other hand, partner might not fully appreciate your matchpoint genius if you go down in a cold contract. :lol:
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Re: An Ordinary Hand

Post by rod »

Regarding partner's rebid, Bridge World Standard uses this:
After opener's one-notrump rebid:
(a) responder's rebid of two clubs is a puppet to two diamonds (with responder's non-jump continuation invitational); responder's rebid of two diamonds is a game-forcing checkback
... in which case it seems 3 should promise a 5-card suit, as 2 is available as a game force for more "normal" distributions. I suppose that leaves 2 showing 5-5 and weak.
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Re: An Ordinary Hand

Post by Trumps »

Nice material as always. My only comment would be that over a 1NT rebid, 5-5 shape is not promised in an auction like:
1C 1S
1NT 2H
Responder might have (IMO) a hand like
or a few more HCP (but as was noted in the article, a weak hand).
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Re: An Ordinary Hand

Post by rod »

Good point, thanks!
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