Sleeping Dogs

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Sleeping Dogs

Post by rod »

Here's another deal from the recent Nambucca Swiss Pairs Congress.

Match 1, Board 13, all vulnerable, North deals.

♠ Q432
♣ Q874

♠ K85
♣ 1092
♠ AJ76
♣ 63

♠ 109
♣ AKJ5

The auction proceeds:

North   East    South   West
Pass    1      2      2
3      3      ?

What would you do as South?

You have a pretty good hand for diamonds and as the cards lie can make 4. But also as the cards lie East can make 4.

However South is not looking at all the cards. You should reason as follows:

1. Because 3 is just one step below 3, the opposing auction is ambiguous. They did not have a way to distinguish between competing for the partscore and inviting game -- unless they play maximal doubles, which they don't.

2. While 4 seems likely to make, you will not be happy to then hear 4. It's wiser to pass and hope the interference was successful. Another option is to bid 5 immediately like you think it will make and hope for no double.

Sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie. Competing to 4 of a minor is rarely a good idea.
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