♠ Q973
♥ KQ82
♦ 94
♣ A98
♠ J864
♥ 10753
♦ A87
♣ Q3
I was South and the auction proceeded:
East South West North
Pass Pass 1♣ Pass
1♦ Pass 2♣ Dbl
Pass 2♠ All Pass
I chose 2♠ instead of 2♥, keeping hearts in reserve in the unlikely case I needed to bid again.West led the ♦2 and I took East's Queen with the Ace. Then a small spade from hand and West's Ace appeared, which I figured suggests shortness. West's bidding and play suggests six clubs and three diamonds, perhaps 1-3-3-6 pattern.
West cashed the ♦K and ♥A, then played the ♦J, ruffed in dummy. Dummy's ♠Q was taken by East's King as West discarded a diamond. West then exited with the ♥J leaving this position where you need five of the remaining six tricks:
♠ x
♥ K8
♦ --
♣ A98
♥ K8
♦ --
♣ A98
♠ --
♥ 9
♦ --
♣ J7654
♥ 9
♦ --
♣ J7654
♠ 105
♥ --
♦ 106
♣ K10
♥ --
♦ 106
♣ K10
♠ J8
♥ 107
♦ --
♣ Q3
♥ 107
♦ --
♣ Q3
Did you ruff the third round of diamonds with the ♠7 or the 9? It better have been the 9, otherwise you won't be getting back to your hand to draw the last trump!