Match 7, board 7, all vulnerable, South deals. Pauly and I are West and East.
♠ K97532
♥ 7
♦ A6
♣ 10963
♥ 7
♦ A6
♣ 10963
♠ AJ6
♥ QJ4
♦ 9753
♣ K42
♥ QJ4
♦ 9753
♣ K42
♠ Q10
♥ K952
♦ KQ4
♣ AQ87
♥ K952
♦ KQ4
♣ AQ87
♠ 84
♥ A10863
♦ J1082
♣ J5
♥ A10863
♦ J1082
♣ J5
The bidding proceeded:
South West North East Pass Pass 2♦ Pass 2♥ Pass 2♠ Dbl Pass 2NT Pass 3NT All Pass2♦ was "multi" showing either a weak two-bid in a major or a strong balanced hand. We don't have a conventional defence to that so I passed to let a natural auction develop.
South's 2♥ was "pass or correct" and North corrected. Now I could make a simple takeout double and 3NT was duly reached.
Then it's up to Pauly to find nine tricks. North led his fourth-best spade. It seems Pauly needs to attack the red suit that South does not have the Ace of, as a spade through while North still has an entry would be fatal. She won the ♠Q and tried a heart from dummy. South played low and the Queen held so it was clear that a switch to diamonds was in order.
When it was over ten tricks were claimed. Nicely done Pauly!