♠ 753
♥ 10
♦ AKQJ108752
♣ --
I called 2♦ and it went pass, 2♥ by partner, 3♣ by RHO.
You're not playing any fancy conventions. What would you do?
I tried 3♠ hoping partner could call 3NT, which he did. The full deal:
♠ 753
♥ 10
♦ AKQJ108752
♣ --
♥ 10
♦ AKQJ108752
♣ --
♠ KQ1086
♥ Q92
♦ --
♣ AKJ94
♥ Q92
♦ --
♣ AKJ94
♠ 42
♥ 654
♦ 643
♣ Q8532
♥ 654
♦ 643
♣ Q8532
♠ AJ9
♥ AKJ873
♦ 9
♣ 1076
♥ AKJ873
♦ 9
♣ 1076
West led ♠K though a high club would have been wiser. When the smoke cleared partner had all 13 tricks for 86% of the matchpoints (West was squeezed in the major suits). 13 tricks are always available in a diamond contract but nobody found slam. Top score went to 5♦ doubled with two overtricks.