Matchpoints, all vulnerable, West deals.
♠ J832
♥ A65
♦ AKQ62
♣ 2
♥ A65
♦ AKQ62
♣ 2
♠ AQ7
♥ J4
♦ J874
♣ KJ53
♥ J4
♦ J874
♣ KJ53
♠ 95
♥ Q9832
♦ 105
♣ 8764
♥ Q9832
♦ 105
♣ 8764
♠ K1064
♥ K107
♦ 93
♣ AQ109
♥ K107
♦ 93
♣ AQ109
West opened 1♦, passed around to my partner who doubled, which became the final contract.
It's not clear why East sat for that. I suspect it had something to do with them being a married couple and some "words" between them previously during the round...
Anyway I started with four rounds of trumps and West eventually managed four tricks for minus 800. Note that an opening spade lead would have been very bad.
It may be just as well that my own wife does not play bridge.