Here's an interesting deal from my phone's bridge app.
♠ 1063
♥ Q76
♦ K874
♣ J95
♠ 7
♥ K1083
♦ AQ652
♣ A74
Clowning around a bit, I (South) overcalled East's 1NT with 2♥ showing hearts and a minor, and played it there.
West's lead is the ♦9. What do you do?
Thinking Ahead
Re: Thinking Ahead
You won't take many tricks unless you can clear trumps and run the diamonds. West's lead looks like a singleton.
The main point of this deal is that the diamonds will block unless you preserve dummy's ♦4.
I unblocked the 7 and won in hand, then a trump to the Queen and Ace, and pitched the two club losers on three rounds of spades from East. Then won the club continuation and King and another trump, all following and West winning the Jack. Four more rounds of diamonds (disposing of dummy's 8 early) brought the total to 8 tricks.
Less than perfect defense for sure, but you'll never win if your opponents always defend well.
The main point of this deal is that the diamonds will block unless you preserve dummy's ♦4.
I unblocked the 7 and won in hand, then a trump to the Queen and Ace, and pitched the two club losers on three rounds of spades from East. Then won the club continuation and King and another trump, all following and West winning the Jack. Four more rounds of diamonds (disposing of dummy's 8 early) brought the total to 8 tricks.
Less than perfect defense for sure, but you'll never win if your opponents always defend well.