Here's another instructive situation that came up when I was playing against the computer. IMPs, nobody vulnerable, partner starts the auction with 3♦. Next hand doubles. You hold:
♠ A85
♥ 1052
♦ 643
♣ KQ105
Your call?
Defensive Bidding
Re: Defensive Bidding
Bid 4♣. The opponents will likely land in four of a major and you want a club lead. You may end up doubled in 4♦ but this rates to be down only a couple.
The full deal:
A club is the only killing lead against 4♠.
The full deal:
♠ 4
♥ 64
♦ AQJ8752
♣ 762
♥ 64
♦ AQJ8752
♣ 762
♠ J10932
♥ AKQ9
♦ 9
♣ 983
♥ AKQ9
♦ 9
♣ 983
♠ KQ76
♥ J873
♦ K10
♣ AJ4
♥ J873
♦ K10
♣ AJ4
♠ A85
♥ 1052
♦ 643
♣ KQ105
♥ 1052
♦ 643
♣ KQ105
A club is the only killing lead against 4♠.
Re: Defensive Bidding
Another interesting point: In a strong game West might counter with 4♦ over 4♣, putting you on lead against 4♥ or 4♠. You'll lead the ♣K which declarer will have to duck in order to have a chance.