Here's board 5 from today's club game. Matchpoints, NS vulnerable.
♠ KQJ104 ♥ AQ82 ♦ Q7 ♣ 82
♠ A9652 ♥ K104 ♦ K853 ♣ 6
♠ 73 ♥ J9763 ♦ J10964 ♣ 5
♠ 8 ♥ 5 ♦ A2 ♣ AKQJ109743
I was treated to the South hand and my partner opened 1♠. We are playing 2/1 game force, weak jump shifts and Roman Keycard Blackwood (1430). What would your bidding plan be?
I bid a mundane 2♣ (game forcing) and partner rebid 2♥.
Key-card Blackwood is not very useful here as I had no interest in Partner's major suit Kings. 3♣ would only muddy the waters.
It's matchpoints and this is the kind of hand that will likely take as many tricks in notrump as in clubs. I ended the auction with 6NT. This is clearly the best spot, though with a different lie of the cards could have gone down.