Here's an odd little hand. With no opposing bidding you are declarer in 4♠.
♠ Q105
♥ 1064
♦ 84
♣ KJ652
♠ AK632
♥ A
♦ KJ975
♣ A10
The opening lead is the ♣7. It looks like a straightforward hand except when you play low from dummy, RHO ruffs with the ♠4 and returns the ♥K.
Your plan?
Opening lead ruffed
Re: Opening lead ruffed
Without going into excruciating detail, it looks right to drop the ♣A at trick 1. RHO is likely to have started with 4 trumps and you may need a club entry to dummy in order to lead towards your diamonds twice. My thinking is to draw trumps ending in dummy to avoid a second club ruff and then run the ♦8 and hope for the best.
The opposing hands were:
The opposing hands were:
♠ J
♥ J973
♦ Q3
♣ Q98743
♥ J973
♦ Q3
♣ Q98743
♠ 9874
♥ KQ852
♦ A1062
♣ --
♥ KQ852
♦ A1062
♣ --