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Play This 4♠

Posted: 12 Sep 2020, 12:49
by rod
IMPS, white vs. red, you deal yourself this:

♠ AQ109543
♣ A

I suppose you might open 2♣ with this 4-loser hand, but I chose 1♠. It went pass, 1NT, pass and I closed the auction with 4♠.

The ♣2 was led and partner put down this:

♠ J2
♣ J10875

It goes 7, Q, A. What's your plan?

Re: Play This 4♠

Posted: 12 Sep 2020, 13:02
by rod
Your odds look pretty good. What you want to avoid is losing two finesses and two additional hearts.

I think the best start is leading a heart to the Queen. RHO is unlikely to guess that you are interested in a heart ruff, and if he/she wins then will probably return a minor suit. In that case you'll win, play a heart to the Ace and a third round of hearts. If RHO then plays a trump it's too late, you'll hop up with the Ace and ruff your last heart if they were not 3-3. This works if hearts are not 5-1.

Opposing cards were:

♠ K6
♣ 9632
♠ 87
♣ KQ4