Search found 200 matches

by rod
28 Nov 2023, 12:43
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Not a Tragedy
Replies: 0
Views: 14226

Not a Tragedy

A tragedy is serious stuff, often concerning death, and bridge is just a game. Maybe this deal would be a light-hearted tragedy if such a thing existed! Also posted to Bridge Winners. IMPs, nobody vulnerable. Screenshot from 2023-11-28 12-12-11.png East led the ♥ Q, won in dummy. A trump to the Quee...
by rod
03 Oct 2023, 10:01
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: A 3NT Opening
Replies: 0
Views: 14960

A 3NT Opening

It's another Monday club game and you pick up this hand: AK6,AQJ10872,AK8,-- Not bad, you may be thinking. But then partner opens 3NT! Obviously this is not the old-fashioned 3NT that shows 25 HCP. The most common treatment today is that it's a 7-card minor headed by AKQ with no outside ace or king....
by rod
09 Sep 2023, 11:11
Forum: Methods and Conventions
Topic: Optional Minorwood
Replies: 1
Views: 9738

Optional Minorwood

As discussed on the Bridge Winners site, partner and I recently had this deal come up: deal.png North would like to ask for key cards, however 4NT may get the auction too high. What to do? Kickback is popular among advanced players but requires careful study and discussion to avoid misunderstandings...
by rod
02 Sep 2023, 14:40
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Australia-Wide Open Pairs 2023
Replies: 1
Views: 7414

Re: Australia-Wide Open Pairs

Here's another one where a notrump-style auction made the strong hand declarer with a good outcome. Board 10, both vulnerable, East deals. Screenshot from 2023-09-02 14-29-05.png East Doug West Rod Pass Pass Pass 2♣ Pass 2 ♦ Pass 2NT Pass 3 ♥ Pass 3♠ Pass 3NT Pass 4♠ All Pass North's sequence showed...
by rod
02 Sep 2023, 10:39
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Australia-Wide Open Pairs 2023
Replies: 1
Views: 7414

Australia-Wide Open Pairs 2023

Doug and I played in this on Monday and did pretty well. Results are not final as of this writing but it appears we'll be in the top 2% nationwide. The following deal demonstrates my penchant for 1NT openings that are a bit off-shape and how that sometimes works out well. Doug is not a fan of this b...
by rod
24 Aug 2023, 08:42
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Rod Screws Up
Replies: 1
Views: 6910

Rod Screws Up

From yesterday's club game. Matchpoints, board 3, South deals, EW vulnerable. 9,K62,AK106,J9654 J105,AQJ75,J532,8 AK876432,10,Q8,A7 Q,9843,974,KQ1032 I was looking at the North hand after two passes. There are two schools of thought about opening with 4-5 minors; one says open diamonds to prepare a ...
by rod
06 Aug 2023, 18:06
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: The Art of Game Tries
Replies: 0
Views: 14345

The Art of Game Tries

This hand came up in a recent club game. West A93,KQ6,8652,1076 Pass 2S 4S East K7654,J,AJ3,AQ53 1S 3C Pass This game had no chance on the diamond lead, though it seemed reasonable for West to accept with 9 points. The problem is that the side suits did not fit well. If you switch West's heart honor...
by rod
04 Aug 2023, 08:13
Forum: Methods and Conventions
Topic: Competing for the partscore... in notrump?
Replies: 0
Views: 13712

Competing for the partscore... in notrump?

An interesting bidding problem was posed on the Bridge Winners site where you have: J5,7,KQ964,QJ1082 and your LHO has opened 1♠, partner overcalled 2 ♥ , pass pass to LHO who bid 2♠, back to you. Now what does a 2NT call mean? Natural or minors? Bridge World Standard says: Forcing vs. nonforcing: W...
by rod
13 Jun 2023, 15:00
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Sleeping Dogs
Replies: 0
Views: 13866

Sleeping Dogs

Here's another deal from the recent Nambucca Swiss Pairs Congress. Match 1, Board 13, all vulnerable, North deals. Q432,72,A42,Q874 K85,Q1043,1098,1092 AJ76,AK9865,J,63 109,J,KQ7653,AKJ5 The auction proceeds: North East South West Pass 1 ♥ 2 ♦ 2 ♥ 3 ♦ 3 ♥ ? What would you do as South? You have a pre...
by rod
12 Jun 2023, 04:27
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Being Careful and Lucky
Replies: 0
Views: 14034

Being Careful and Lucky

This is from the recent two-day Swiss Pairs Congress at the Nambucca Valley Bridge Club. I played with Pauly Griffin. Match 5, board 1, nobody vulnerable. Due to a bidding misunderstanding with our unusual methods I am declaring 3NT with these cards: Dummy AJ8,KQ108,K973,KQ You 97,A7653,A65,987 The ...