Search found 15 matches

by Trumps
27 Aug 2023, 11:19
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Rod Screws Up
Replies: 1
Views: 6908

Re: Rod Screws Up

I agree with the suggestion of a lead-directing 1D opening in third seat. Having said that, South might still consider leading the strong club sequence...

Well played for declarer in a club game to take the ruffing finesse and set up the long suit in hearts.
by Trumps
01 Jan 2023, 09:42
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Two Moysian Fits
Replies: 2
Views: 7543

Re: Two Moysian Fits

hi Rod, I think East and West headings are back to front?
by Trumps
25 Sep 2022, 12:06
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Best Hand Ever
Replies: 2
Views: 6124

Re: Best Hand Ever

Had dummy not had the HQ, a minor suit king in that hand would also have done the job, as long as the opening lead was not a spade (the S10 is needed as an entry). The discussion of this freak reminds me of a chapter in a Reese book (if I recall correctly), where he discusses what to open with 13 so...
by Trumps
24 Jan 2022, 14:16
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Beware the obvious
Replies: 3
Views: 3494

Re: Beware the obvious

Thanks Rod, a delicate hand. Re your mention of the need to ruff a club loser, mention perhaps needs to be made that this is AFTER discarding one of dummy's clubs on a long diamond (once these have been - hopefully - established).
by Trumps
03 Oct 2021, 09:24
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: An Ordinary Hand
Replies: 3
Views: 4972

Re: An Ordinary Hand

Nice material as always. My only comment would be that over a 1NT rebid, 5-5 shape is not promised in an auction like:
1C 1S
1NT 2H
Responder might have (IMO) a hand like
or a few more HCP (but as was noted in the article, a weak hand).
by Trumps
21 Sep 2021, 11:21
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Threading the Needle
Replies: 2
Views: 3089

Re: Threading the Needle

Nicely done!
by Trumps
20 Sep 2020, 09:41
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Clarity at Trick One
Replies: 5
Views: 6761

Re: Clarity at Trick One

Yes good point, East will probably have exited a club after cashing the spades, in which case West will have a safe exit (CA, felling North's now-bare CK) if thrown in with the third diamond.
by Trumps
13 Sep 2020, 08:59
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Clarity at Trick One
Replies: 5
Views: 6761

Re: Clarity at Trick One

Cool deal! In playing the diamonds, you could start with the DA in case East has the singleton D10 so you can then take the "marked" finesse of the D9 (I realise you don't expect East would open a weak two with this 10 HCP plus a singleton, but not everyone thinks alike). Another possible ...
by Trumps
19 Jul 2020, 10:27
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Common Sense?
Replies: 5
Views: 7300

Re: Common Sense?

Perhaps it is not even a 4-3 fit. This time partner had: J62 KJ752 K82 74 Now say you had: 543 A9 AQJ9 AK52 You double their 1S. Partner bids 3H. You cue 3S. Now if partner bids 4H, you pass, and opposite partner's hand you at least have prospects, but if partner has only four hearts (especially if ...
by Trumps
12 Jul 2020, 10:09
Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
Topic: Common Sense?
Replies: 5
Views: 7300

Re: Common Sense?

Agreed, takeout double is the right choice. And then over partner's 3H, you bid 3S, to leave 3NT as an option. Not sure about 4-minor by partner now showing slam interest - don't you want partner's 4H to show extra length so you know whether to leave it there? Anyhow, the auction was right on your a...