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- 09 Feb 2025, 12:56
- Forum: Methods and Conventions
- Topic: A Suggestion for Weak Notrumps
- Replies: 0
- Views: 3576
A Suggestion for Weak Notrumps
I've never liked weak notrumps very much. Proponents of weak and super-weak 1NT openings will tell you that while you often preempt yourself out of a superior suit partscore, you will also often do the same to the opponents. So, say they, the bid does not place you at a disadvantage. However the pro...
- 07 Jan 2025, 11:01
- Forum: Methods and Conventions
- Topic: Opening Strong Balanced Hands
- Replies: 2
- Views: 25534
Example: The 2♠ Response
Here's a deal from a recent club game where opener has a very strong unbalanced hand. --,AKQ7,AKQJ63,AQ9 2♣ 3 ♦ 4 ♦ 6 ♦ KJ9,853,9742,K102 2♠ 3NT 4NT Pass 2♠ denies a 5-card major or 6-card minor. Therefore 3NT denies a 4-card major and opener knows there is no heart fit. 4 ♦ is Optional Minorwood, a...
- 10 Dec 2024, 09:02
- Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
- Topic: Would you make this 6NT?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 21713
Re: Would you make this 6NT?
It was pointed out to me that in case a defender has all four spades, it's better to start spades with the 10 rather than the ace.
- 05 Dec 2024, 08:44
- Forum: Methods and Conventions
- Topic: The Forcing Pass
- Replies: 0
- Views: 5009
The Forcing Pass
It can be annoying when you bid a game and the opponents bid over it. Often you're not sure whether to double or bid on and would like to leave the decision to partner. This is why the forcing pass was invented. The broader rule is this: When it's "our hand", the opponents must not be allo...
- 22 Oct 2024, 10:29
- Forum: Laws and Ethics
- Topic: What's alertable in Australia?
- Replies: 0
- Views: 10097
What's alertable in Australia?
The Australian Bridge Federation has its alerting regulations described in this document: It deserves a full reading. The discussions of announcements, pre-alerts and delayed alerts should be understood and are not discussed further here....
- 16 Oct 2024, 16:56
- Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
- Topic: Declare or Defend?
- Replies: 0
- Views: 7457
Declare or Defend?
I encountered this interesting deal yesterday. d=n&v=0&w=st98ha843d76ca765&n=sakq76hkqtdt9cj43&e=s52h976dak853ct82&s=sj43hj52dqj42ckq9&a=1np3nppp Let's say East leads a heart. West must duck the first round of hearts and the first round of clubs, otherwise declarer has the ti...
- 06 Oct 2024, 12:06
- Forum: Methods and Conventions
- Topic: Defensive Carding Agreements
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10956
Re: Defensive Carding Agreements
Regarding suit preference in trumps, here's an example success story with feedback from strong players: Barry Rigal's comment refers, I believe, to the old-fashioned meaning of a trump echo, that you have a third trump and a desire to ruff something.
- 25 Sep 2024, 06:30
- Forum: Methods and Conventions
- Topic: Opening Strong Balanced Hands
- Replies: 2
- Views: 25534
Example: The 2NT Rebid
Here's a hand from a recent club game where opener rebids a strong unbalanced 2NT. J105,AK5,--,AKQ10643 1♣ 2NT 3 ♥ Pass Q864,1086,A9865,9 1 ♥ (4+ spades) 3♣ 3NT 3♣ showed a bad hand with only four spades. 2NT denied a second suit, so 3 ♥ can only be a heart stopper. Thus 3NT is bid with confidence t...
- 23 Aug 2024, 17:08
- Forum: Miscellaneous
- Topic: Handling interference over our 1NT
- Replies: 0
- Views: 13860
Handling interference over our 1NT
2024-12-05 Moved this to Miscellaneous because I don't recommend it. --Rod "Stolen bid" doubles seem to be a popular convention at the local club when opponents interfere over a 1NT opening. So for example if the overcall is 2 ♦ or 2 ♥ , double is a Jacoby Transfer to the next higher suit...
- 06 Aug 2024, 13:08
- Forum: Bridge Questions, Puzzles, Deals
- Topic: Anniversary Teams 2024
- Replies: 0
- Views: 11498
Anniversary Teams 2024
Every year the Coffs Harbour Bridge Club holds its Anniversary Teams event to celebrate the anniversary of its founding. This is a social event where the teams are organized (somewhat) randomly, and there are three sessions where you have a different teammate as partner in each. I played on a team w...